Are You an Authentic Communicator?
Being authentic. Too many people, this means many things. Webster’s Dictionary refers to authentic as real, genuine, worthy of acceptance or original. Are you an authentic communicator? If so, you project open-mindedness, understanding and confidence.
Authentic communicators reach their personal and professional goals by creating worthwhile ideas and staying true to their own principles. They are motivating to others by involving them and seeking out their opinions. In so doing they demonstrate the value they see in others and their openness to other’s ideas.
Authentic communicators possess an understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses. They see the opportunity to learn from others. They take into consideration their own style of communicating and the styles of others. They mirror or adapt to various styles, in an attempt to better communicate.
The most successful communicators succeed by developing their own potential and not trying to imitate others. They are respectful of other styles. Being authentic involves being true to one’s self and considerate of the values of others.
Authenticity creates a climate of trust because it allows others to be free and act in their own true communication. All of this creates a positive atmosphere, establishes rapport and develops new relationships.
Authentic communicators are genuine in their desire to help others. They are participants rather than observers. They proactively seek new opportunities to enhance their own skills and learn from others. They have a realistic grasp of their own capabilities and realize their limitations too. From time to time authentic communicators will self-assess to determine their own strengths and weaknesses. Authentic communicators will seek help from friends, family and professionals in a constant plight for self-development. They understand and accept their limitations and strive for constant improvement. When conveying information and listening they seek to interpret situations and take down any walls of defensiveness in others. By communicating a confident self-image, authentic communicators have positive regard for others. They believe others possess great potential and are open to all forms of cooperation. They essentially give them the benefit of the doubt and do not try to mold people into an image of themselves. Instead, they encourage others to develop their own strengths and seek their own potential.
Authentic communicators are excellent leaders and develop strong teams. With their open approach and honest communication, they foster a work environment where real and honest communication and flourish.
Answer these questions and evaluate if you are an authentic communicator:
1) Do you take time to explain the big picture?
2). Do you share the credit with your team members?
3) Do you ask their advice?
4) Do you give assignments and let them take the responsibility?
5) Is your staff comfortable is bringing you new ideas?
6) Can you say “NO” without making them feel angry or you feel uncomfortable? “A sign of strength is one’s ability to say no”.
7) Are you preparing for and grooming someone to take your place?
8) When evaluating or criticizing do you wait until you have all the information?
9) Can staff give you constructive criticism?
10) Do you treat all staff members fairly?
11) Are you willing to delegate?
12) Are you consistent?
Here’s you wishing a wealth of understanding and authenticity in your communication.